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2025. február 03. hétfö 

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Ez hülyeség, most is 5ezerért tankoltam, mint máskor (33)

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Új hozzászólás


szsrobert - 2013-05-01 19:43:42

The WR-21 is the first aeroderivative gas turbine to incorporate compressor intercooling and exhaust heat recuperation (ICR) technologies that deliver low specific fuel consumption across the engine's operating range.[2] It offers a reduction in fuel burn of 30% across the typical ship operating profile.[3]

* The intercooler cools air entering the high pressure compressor, reducing the amount of energy required to compress the air.[2]
* The recuperator preheats the combustion air by recovering waste energy from the exhaust, improving cycle efficiency and reducing fuel consumption.

Specific fuel consumption: ~190 g/kWh

Huh...Az MZ ennél kétszer többet kér. :-)
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